Wednesday 11 June 2014

Android over windows OS? well..Your choice

 so last month I happened to get caught up in the tag of war currently brewing between the major mobile OS developers in the technological world. Instead of getting into the boring trifles of my predicament by beating around the bush, heres what actually happened.
I happened to meet my 'murio' in town for our usual Friday chitty chat over a glass of my favorite drink. As usual the 'kalocal' was filled with some intoxicated fellas eager to take advantage of the long weekend well associated with the marking of Kenya's 51st Madaraka celebrations which well colluded with their paydays! Drinks were free flowing from all quarters and in no time, you could easily note the enduring excitement that got incremental with every visit from the barmaids. Some teens even got up to their feet to shake a leg with their skimpily dressed hotties to the bumping beats of Konshen's hit 'bumper' as the dj carried them away. Anyway I don't know how fast it happened but in no time, I was equally intoxicated if my change of tone and excitement was anything to go by. I really cant tell how I got home, but luckily I found myself in bed the next morning; unhurt! However, to my complete dismay, my phone was nowhere to be seen. After entirely and exhaustively ransacking the whole house, I ended up admitting to having lost my phone under some unclear circumstances.
To say the least, am sure this is a common phenomenon most Kenyan men face during their nights our or rather during their friday drinking binges only to find themselves without their valuable gadgets the following morning. Back to my story, I urgently faced with the dire need to make some phone calls with the sole question “kwani jana kuliendaje?” I needed to purchase a new handset-ASAP.

To save myself the trouble of the obvious bargain 'kelele' associated with most street phone vendors of Nairobi, I headed straight to Safaricom shop as thats where I was sure to get the best deal deal in terms of cost and quality. Well, at least thats what comforted me. My visit there turned to be my biggest nightmare as it soon occurred to me I even had not decided on the type of handset I really wanted. I was simply spoilt of choice as I stood along the displays wondering what I really wanted. To get this straight, am not an impulse buyer so its not like I expected to just walk into the shop, pick the nearest handset, pay for it and then walk out a happy fella. thats not something unheard of either, as some years back, one could easily walk to the phone vendors of Nairobi, purchase the currently trending touchscreen ( remember the introduction Google idios smart phones?) and walk out a very contented customer.
For my case, the choice had to be made between the numerous android based handsets and those using the windows OS. I simply had no idea of the existing differences between all these terminologies so I guess you understand my predicament. To cut my story short, I ended up purchasing the galaxy franchise; not because it was the best alternative at the time...but because I felt thats what I needed!   

Want to know how I ended up making this distinct decision in a spur of a minute to come up with the final decision? Read the part 2 of my amazing tragedy where I will bring to light the different mobile operating systems currently engaged in a war of superiority to capture the ever changing Kenyan market, in layman's terms!